
Amy - 2007-08-10 13:46:03
Is this Rachel's first year of college?
fightn4life - 2007-08-10 14:02:06
Letting go is one of the most difficult challenges we parents go through. I recall sitting in my daughters room when she left for the army and crying, now I am so proud of her (was then too) but saying goodbye even for a moment in time is heart breaking. But�going to college will be rewarding for both your family left to have wonderful hopes, and your daughter Rachel. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
Amy - 2007-08-10 19:08:45
That's cool. So...she's only a year younger than I am. Does she know what she'll be majoring in yet? So it won't be like she's staying in a dorm, but she'll be about the same distance from the campus. The college I'm going to actually doesn't have dorms...yet. This past year they got permission to build dorms on campus. I have no desire to live in a dorm; thankfully I live close enough to be able to still live at home and just commute every day.

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